Our mobile units are designed to connect to systems while they are running, so there is zero production downtime. This allows our customers to have their oil cleaned and serviced while also maintaining production goals. In addition to the zero downtime value, the dollar savings of reclaiming oil versus purchasing new are immediate and substantial. We can help you achieve and maintain targeted ISO cleanliness codes utilizing our full scope service.
Oil Purification & Reclamation
Zero Production Down Time – Extended Service Life – Increased Productivity
Setting and achieving target water content and ISO cleanliness code targets is a key factor for equipment maintenance success. Typical OEMs require the oil in equipment to be lower than what is possible for the equipment to achieve on its own with it’s own filters. We can help you determine the target numbers as well as continue to achieve them. This periodic filtration expense will significantly lower your total lubricant expense and maintenance due to oil related issues.
Our team will also help you identify other ways to reduce contamination, breathers, transfer containers, pre-filtered new oil, etc.
Snapshot of Benefits
Zero Production Down Time
Our mobile units are designed to connect to systems while they are running, so there is zero production downtime. Oil is cleaned and serviced while maintaining production goals.
Extend Service Life & Reliability
We efficiently remove water and particulate contamination from your oil, extending its service life, reducing high maintenance costs, and increasing the reliability of your equipment.
Increased Productivity & Efficiency
Equipment with clean oil has fewer issues and is more productive. Ensure that you hit your production goals by utilizing our purification services.
Substantial Dollar Savings
Reclaiming oil versus purchasing new oil will have an immediate impact on your budget. The decreased per gallon charge coupled with eliminating the disposal cost will reduce your total expense.
Reclaimable Fluids
Hydraulic oil, turbine oil, gear oil, circulating oil, EHC fluids, fire resistant oil, metal cutting fluids, quench oil, and more.
Environmental Protection
Decrease your carbon footprint by reclaiming your oil and decrease your environmental impact by eliminating disposal of contaminated fuel.
Vacuum Dehydration & Water Removal
Our fleet of centrifuges and vacuum dehydrators have the ability to tackle even the most severe water contamination issue head on. From a burst pipe to a consistent ingression from a leaking heat exchanger, we can get your production back on line and keep it there.
Our portable testing equipment will let us know when we have reached our goal. Followed up with laboratory analysis and a Karl Fischer analysis will give you pinpoint accuracy on the ppm of water in your oil.
The diagram adjacent illustrates how bearing life is significantly reduced as the PPM of water in oil increases. We can help you keep your oil clean, dry and ready for use!
Filtration & Particulate Removal
Utilizing a combination of bag filters, and beta 1000 filters we can effectively and efficiently remove dirt, debris, wear metals, rust, component failure shrapnel and other hard particles from your oil.
We utilize the top rated element filters with the best efficiency to ensure that we remove the contamination form your oil as quickly as possible.
Our portable ISO 4406:1999 particle count unit can provide us with accurate in field analysis to let us know when the job is done.
We always follow-up with supporting laboratory analysis to corroborate our results.
The adjacent chart illustrates how lowering the ISO cleanliness code on a piece of equipment can significantly increase the life of the unit. For example, on a hydraulic system (yellow), if the current ISO cleanliness code is a22/19/XX, the unit will last 4 TIMES LONGER than if the ISO cleanliness code is lowered to a 17/14/11.

New Oil Purification
Typical new oil does not meet OEM cleanliness specifications. With our pre-filtered oil you can ensure that your new oil meets the OEM cleanliness specification and sets your equipment up for a reliable & productive future.

Typical Results
- Cost Savings: Reclaimed fluids typically cost 40% – 70% less than new oil
- New oil purchases can be reduced by as much as 80%
- Significant reduction of waste oil volume and disposal charges
- Increased lubricant life
- Reclaimed oil is cleaner than new oil

Leakage Oil & Waste Mitigation
Oil leaked from your equipment is still good oil.
Collection, segregation and reclamation of your leaked oils can save you tens of thousands of dollars a year. Our analysis and filtration can recycle your oil for reuse in your equipment.